
Henry George Buisch 1848-1923

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks post

Buisch Henry George b1848 Timeline PDF

Ancestry.com page

To Do List:

  1. Locate family in 1905 NY State Census – Rochester, Monroe, New York – Found indexed as Birisch 13 March 2014
  2. Locate Henry with his mother and step-father in:
    • 1865 NY State Census – Buffalo, Erie, New York [1865 State Census has to be searched line-by-line]
    • 1855 NY State Census – Found his mother Margaret, and step-father, John A Bamberg in Wales, Erie, NY with step-brothers, Daniel and John A, jr–but no Henry or his sister, Margaret.
  3. Locate Henry with his father and/or mother in 1850 Federal Census somewhere(!) in New York
  4. Write Buffalo Vital Statistics for marriage record
  5. Are there probate records for Henry?
  6. Find headstone photo in storage
  7. Double check that all sources are attached to Henry in FTM and sources are properly cited and listed in OneNote



1 thought on “Buisch

  1. Hi! I saw your Buisch family tree website! I am a descendant of Olive Greenhow and William Greenhow!

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